BrightSpot’s first client was a woman we met at an AMA Houston morning meeting. Sitting at the same table lead to a lunch meeting, and then a proposal and ultimately a friendship that has spanned a decade and included work together for various clients over the years.
Truth is, lots of our clients have come from our involvement with AMA. Our network of colleagues, specialists, and industry friends first began to gel when we raised our hands to volunteer on the communications committee for AMA Houston. We didn’t know it ahead of time, but the Communications Committee is the gateway to total AMA immersion. We dove in.
Next thing you know, we found ourselves sitting at the board table. Over the course of years on the board, we were event chairs and scholarship champions. We have been creative partners and sponsors. And, eventually Erika Waters (brave lady) served as AMA Houston President in 2019-2020. Yes. The year that turned the world upside down but she somehow managed to make an opportunity and ultimately won a national award for AMA Houston’s resilience.
There are stories to be told inside each of our AMA adventures. Some really, really good ones. (Insert a fit of giggles remembering some great times.) But for now, in celebration of our business story – the first ten years – the point is this: AMA Houston has been essential.
Through our work with AMA we have developed deep connections with a community of smart, talented, and super fun people to work and play with. Clients and collaborators alike. So many of our favorites have an AMA Houston connection.
So, this is a shout out to the AMA people. And a sincere thank you for the part you’ve played in BrightSpot’s first 10 years. Without you our business journey thus far would be a whole different story.